The Process

A monoprint is an individual print - unlike other printmaking techniques where you can print many from an edition, each print I make is unique.

April’s Garden 1

Here I used plants & flowers collected from a friend’s garden


Monoprinting consists of many layers of additions and resistants. An addition will print color in a specific area, and a resist will block ink from a space on the paper. Each layer is hand placed before running through the press. The material can vary. Here you see me using lupin leaves, but I take inspiration from all things around me! Flowers, leaves, fossils, pieces of fabric, it becomes a a journey to find them & place them in my art! These materials can leave such an interesting impression.

Lupine Fest

Lupin leaves were imprinted with varying levels of ink!

Laying lupin leaves on the paper, blocking where ink will be left off the canvas.


The press is where the magic happens! Pieces of paper and ink get pressssssedd together, filling the page with color (where it’s wanted), and leaving tracings of the material. This is the fun part, sending something through the press and waiting to see what will come out!

Going in….

rollllll the wheel to run the press!

… and the reveal!!!!

With each layer run through the press comes another “layer” of reflection. What does this piece need now? Where is the color lacking? Where is there too much? What is coming through? How can I support the story?

With this process, there is no direct “ending”, no final completion. When the piece feels complete, it is. Many times I will come back to existing pieces and re-work them - maybe I’ll add a layer, maybe I’ll rip off the parts I like and incorporate them into something new, maybe I’ll just print over the whole piece. The creative process is alive!

My Eyes are Up Here 4

A full piece of lingerie went through the press for this one!

Scroll over the images to see what materials I used for these pieces!

Gussie and Connor 8

For wedding prints, I take specific flowers and pieces from a couples wedding to create individualized prints. A great gift to give someone!!!

Red Butterflies 2

Butterflies and lace, oh my!

Key West Bound 77

Pieces of net, leaves gathered, and seaweed fill this scene

Dancing For Mother Nature 3

Using some crafting skills with scissors, and some flowers, these dancing kiddos came to life!